
Photography has been an interest of mine since I was a kid when I was shown how to use my dad’s folding Kodak camera. At age 10 I received my first camera as a present, a Kodak Starflex. I would take images of family events, trips and things that interested me with it and the family 8mm movie camera, whenever I could afford film and processing. 

In 1971 I purchased a 35mm Minolta SRT 101 camera with a couple lenses and began to put together a dark room. To pay for more photo equipment I started working as a freelance photographer. That led me to start working in the photo industry, first for a large Toronto camera store. Then Leica Canada and Procam Photo Products, before starting K2 Communications.

Most of my shooting these days are with digital cameras. However, I still enjoy taking film cameras out several times a year and really enjoy working in a dark room using Alternative Photograpy processes like Platinum printing, that date back to the 1870’s.